
Firewatch discussion
Firewatch discussion

This is probably what Ned was trying to do with the Wapiti site. Paranoia Fuel: Without meeting another person face to face, and having lots of alone time to think over the meaning of what people say, you quickly learn to distrust everyone and everything.This is especially scary, considering you typically don't see any other humans in the entire game note Far off shots of the two girls, Ned hidden by the glare of his flashlight, and the ranger in the helicopter at the end of the game, and then you see that. Finding Brian Goodwin's skeleton in the cave.As much of a messed-up jerk as Ned was, Brian's death hit him so hard that he basically exiled himself from the world and lived in a cave in a national park for three years, which is bound to elicit at least some sympathy for the man. His own lousy attempt at bonding with his son ended up with him watching Brian die. On the other hand, he's a army vet who suffers from PTSD, his mother died while he was on deployment and lacked any other close family, and so was left to raise his son Brian on his own. His "confession" has elements of Never My Fault as he blames his son for not anchoring his rope properly instead of admitting it was his responsibility as a father to keep Brian safe. Even in the most charitable interpretation of events, he forced his son Brian into rock climbing even though Brian clearly didn't want to, which led to the boy's death. He commits theft, arson, blackmail, stalking, harassment, trespass, and destruction of government property and doesn't seem to show any guilt. He physically attacks Henry, then sets up a fake conspiracy to drive him and Delilah into paranoia just so he can keep avoiding the consequences of his son's death. Many players have reported completing the game in 2-3 hours, even if they take the time to explore. It's Short, So It Sucks!: The developers claimed that the game would have a playtime of around 6 hours.Of course, depending on how dark your sense of humor is, this might actually be legitimately funny. This has the potential to backfire if you snapped photos of Brian's skeleton. The game encourages you to take lots of pictures, which are then shown during the credits as pleasant music rolls.Come The Reveal that he died in what seems like a climbing accident, her assessment seems a lot less funny. At one point, Delilah will make light of Brian's lack of physical prowess.When this fire and the fire Ned started at Wapiti Meadow merge near the end, Delilah bitterly reveals the Forest Service is renaming it after her lookout. You're given the opportunity to name a forest fire during the course of the game, and one of the options is to jokingly suggest "Delilah" (she will name it the "June Fire", after her middle name, instead).Some praise it for being mundane and that it makes sense within the context of the game, while others call it a waste of time for that same reason. Broken Base: The ending is divisive, to say the least."Something's Wrong", while Paranoia Fuel by itself, is done well at setting an intense atmosphere.Did Julia actually call or was that Delilah?.It's implied it was an accident, however. Either you believe Ned's claim that his son's death was an accident because Brian didn't sink his anchor deep enough, or you believe that he killed his son, which is what Delilah believes.

Firewatch discussion